
Back to School Tips for Virtual and Classroom Learning

July 30, 2020

The start of the 2020 school year won’t be normal – the consensus throughout many cities is that parents have the option to either keep their kids at home and continue e-learning for the first 9 weeks or they are able to send their children back to the classroom. We have tips for going back to school both virtually and in the classroom!

No matter which circumstance however, it’s important to present a united front and to be positive with your children. If you come across as critical or uncertain, it could cause your children to become anxious as a result.

Virtual Back to School Tips

Begin a Routine

The end of last school year may have been a frantic mess, but at least now for the start of 2020 you’ve been accustomed to what the days will look like. Start implementing a routine for your child or at least discussing what the days will soon look like.

Work Space

Set aside a space that is specifically for learning – perhaps that a spare room in the home or a spot at the kitchen table. Somewhere in the house your child knows is for school work to help separate their minds from home and school.

Follow a Schedule

The teacher most likely will provide a schedule, but if not (and as well as if they do), follow a school-like schedule (since the e-learning isn’t forever). This will help adjust them for when they go back to a classroom. Allow time for lunch and recess just as normal school day.

And lastly, stay in touch with your child’s teacher and school – get on the email list if you aren’t already and make sure the school has your contact information.

Classroom Back to School Tips

Preparing for Change

Going back to school can bring on some nervousness or stress for children – be upfront and transparent about the new school year and that it’s not going to look like year’s past. You can also try rehearsing the first day of school with your children to show them it won’t be so bad!

Ingrain Good Hygiene Habits

In the beginning, implementing those good hygiene habits were probably discussed each day. But now it may not be talked about as often. Start refreshing their minds about washing hands for 20 seconds and the importance of not touching their faces, especially their nose, mouth and eyes.

Weaning off the Devices

Since children were using computers and/or iPads the end of the school year last year (and potentially throughout the summer as well), it’s a good idea to start weaning them off those devices to go back into the classroom.

While there are challenges ahead, the return to school is going to be a wonderful time. Parents may have a new appreciation for the chaotic mornings getting kids ready and off to school! Enjoy this time at home that continues or appreciate the routine of sending your kiddos back to school!

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