
Celebrating Veterans Day

November 9, 2017

This Saturday, November 11th, is Veterans Day. Most people know that Veterans Day is a day that we celebrate and honor the men and women who have served in the military. However, many people do not know the history behind Veterans Day. Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day and began in 1919, “marking the date when Germany and the allies signed a 1918 agreement to cease World War I hostilities”, according to USA Today.

Veterans Day has always been celebrated on November 11th, regardless of the day of the week it lands on, except from 1971-1977 following an amendment to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. In 1978, it was changed back to being celebrated on November 11th. Another fact that many don’t know about Veterans Day is why it is not spelled with an apostrophe. According to the VA, Veterans Day does not use an apostrophe because it is not a day owned by veterans, rather a day that honors all veterans.

Now that you have a little more knowledge on the history of this holiday, here are some ways to celebrate it and honor the brave men and women who have fought for our country. Most towns host some kind of Veterans Day parade, so be sure to look up your town to see if there is an event you can attend. Charities and other groups will also host other kinds of events, including 5K races, during Veterans Day weekend, so there a lots of ways to get out and show your support. Below are some events taking place this Veterans Day:

  • Louisville Veterans Day Parade
  • Active Heroes 5K (Louisville, KY)
  • Nashville Veterans Day Parade
  • Indianapolis Veterans Day Parade
  • Veterans Day events in Columbus

We hope everyone has a wonderful Veterans Day weekend, and we celebrate and honor all of the men and women who have served this country.

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