Taylor Homes

Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes

June 18, 2020

Get out of town and take your family with you! Taylor Homes’ Extended Family Suites (EFS) is an additional living space on the same property as a single-family home, where a family can live with independence while remaining close to their loved ones.

These suites have a number of attractive benefits for larger families. Beyond affording an older family member their independence, they can also let homeowners run a rental from their own homes.

We have three different options to build onto any Taylor home. However, if another home design is desired to have an Extended Family Suite, please ask and we will see if it’s possible with the design of your choice!

Keep in mind the below floor models are examples of what each Extended Family Suite can look like on a Taylor Home. Contact a New Home Consultant if you’re interested in an EFS and they can help answer any questions you may have.

(Click the floor plans to enlarge.)


Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes Efsa A

Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes A Efsafloorplan


Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes 226 W Ils B

Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes B 226Extendedfamilysuite



Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes 167 Efs C

Extended Family Suites | Taylor Homes C 167 Rc A Efs

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