Taylor Homes

Get Organized Before School Starts

August 10, 2017

As the summer comes to an end and the beginning of the school year is ahead, we’ve come up with a quick-list of ways to get organized before school starts. 

  • Shift Your Schedules: During the summer it is easy to enjoy long days with no schedule, but it is important to get back into a schedule as the school year approaches. We suggest that you start setting alarms in the morning and at night so your kids can start getting used to waking up and going to bed earlier each day.
  • Shop for School Supplies: While this can often be a daunting task, try to make it a fun event for you and the kids by breaking up the school supply list and having your kids help cross things off the list. They’ll enjoy picking out things for the new school year, and get excited about using them in the classroom.
  • Start to Practice Your Morning Routine: As mentioned before, it is easy to forget about a schedule during the summer and enjoy leisurely waking up and going about your day. As the school days begin, it will be helpful if you and your family already have a plan for your morning routine and have practiced it a couple of times. This will help define the roles that each family member will have in the morning and help get everyone out the door on time for work and school.
  • Set-up Up a Calendar and File Central: The beginning of the school year usually means that other activities are picking back up as well. Before all of this begins, set-up a place in your home to keep all of your important deadlines, papers, and after school activities organized. A centrally located calendar and place to drop important papers from school, will help keep everyone in the family on the same page and on top of any deadlines.

These 4 simple tasks will help you and your family get prepared and organized for the school year ahead, and ensure that the start of the school year will run as smoothly as possible. 

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