Taylor Homes

Getting Out Of The Winter Blahs

March 12, 2020

How do you get out of the winter blahs?  Call it the winter blues or blahs or simply seasonal sadness. Whatever term you use, around this time, many of us start to feel our mood sinking. We feel especially tired and sluggish. We might even feel like the walking dead, moping from one task to the next.

We have a few tips here that help us get out of the winter blahs but we would like to hear from you.

  1. Vary the food you eat. Change up what you normally eat.  This is not about diet or restricting what you eat but about eat something different than you normally would.
  2. Physical activity. Yoga is a great activity for your mind and body.
  3. Pamper yourself.  Do something or go somewhere you normally would not do.

Getting yourself into a different state of mind and body will help you beat the winter blahs.

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