Taylor Homes

How to Welcome Your New Neighbors

October 29, 2020

If you’ve recently built a custom home with Taylor Homes, it’s likely you have other homes around or near you being built also – which ultimately means new neighbors! Helping them feel welcome is a nice gesture. We have a few ideas to help you determine the best way to say “Welcome to the neighborhood!”

Bring a homemade baked good or treat – probably the most common way of welcoming your new neighbor, a baked good is very thoughtful and intentional. It can be a cake, muffins, cookies or any of your own specialties. Be sure to include a list of ingredients since allergies are plentiful.

Wrap-up a list of your favorite take-out menus – something not so common is a list of your favorite take-out menus from around the area. It can be overwhelming learning the community as a new resident. Providing some of your favorite take-out menus and maybe even circling your favorite meal can be very helpful for a new neighbor!

Take some vegetables or herbs picked from your garden – of course this idea will be depending on the time of year (and if you have a garden!), but as a warm welcome to your neighbor bring over freshly picked vegetables, herbs or even flowers from your garden.

Bring over a bottle of wine – red, white or both; wine is a universal gift. If someone doesn’t drink alcohol themselves, they may like to keep it on hand for guests to have.

Put together a traditional housewarming basket – this idea could take a bit more time and money, but it’s definitely a grand gesture. Create a theme and roll with it! A cutting board, cheese varieties for a cheese board. Chocolates, candy, popcorn and a few movie ideas for a movie night. Add your own special touch.

Make a list of local favorites – this idea could go hand-in-hand with the take-out menus mentioned above. Create a list of your local favorites such as restaurants, parks, local places to see and more!

And, truly, you can show up empty-handed with a warm greeting, and I’m sure your new neighbors will feel just as welcomed.

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