
Interest Rates for July 2020 | Taylor Homes & Premier Bank

July 16, 2020

Taylor Homes knows that working with professionals is the best way to ensure the quality of our business. That’s why we work with other experts that help us to better the experience for our customers. One of these partnerships is with Premier Bank, our go-to for interest and mortgage information. We know these details can be a difficult and intimidating process of building your dream home – that’s why we have readily available contacts to help you through these decisions.

See the following update for July from our expert Market Manager, Diane Hance from Premier Bank. Pay close attention, as these updates are directly related to how building your home sooner, rather than later, could be the best move for you!

“Happy July! It’s time again for our monthly interest rate check-in. Rates are holding steady due to the economy recovering more quickly than expected. Jobless rates are still very high but have come down dramatically since last quarter.

Looking forward we expect rates to stay steady based on the Federal Reserve taking measures to keep rates historically low.

What’s the wild card? Another possible COVID shutdown could negatively affect the economy and rates. Rates can only be predicted in the now and right now rates are VERY good making home building a reality!”

– Diane Hance, Market Manager at Premier Bank

If you have any questions about mortgage or interest rates when building your new home, reach out to Diane today at 513-919-3705 or at DHance@yourpremierbank.com.

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