Now that the wrapping paper has settled and the calendar is so so close to 2015, it is time. Time for what you ask? Time for the sad looking Christmas decorations to come down and be put to rest for another year. Or perhaps you should bookmark this page to print out in February when your neighbor’s twinkling lights are.still.twinkling.
Idea number 1.
Grab a hanger, but not a wire hanger plastic will work best. Think about how great it will be when November/December rolls around and you don’t have to untangle the lights.
Idea number 2.
This idea is simple, but sometimes simple is better. Store your decorations in clear plastic totes. Think of it this way, if you collect Santas and when you begin your decorating you only want to pull out the Santa collection you will be able to easily see which tote to grab.
Idea number 3.
Is your tissue paper taking over your wrapping paper storage area? Grab an accordion folder and neatly fold the tissue paper organizing by color and insert into the various sections.
Idea number 4.
This one might take a little bit of planning, say for next year. Stock pile egg cartons, you will find that your ornaments will fit neatly in the different compartments.