Taylor Homes

Women in Construction

October 25, 2018

“There has never been a better time to be a woman in construction,” according to Ciara Seger, a project superintendent for Hensel Phelps Construction Company.

“Over the past 10 years, the National Association of Women in Construction says the industry has seen a steady increase in the number of women employed. Although only an estimated 9% of the construction industry is made up of women, that number is on the rise, and for good reason. Following the lead of other industries, the construction world is starting to understand the benefits of a diverse employee base.”

The concept of a team with different skill sets and expertise coming together to produce a great home or building brings great reward and satisfaction for both construction companies and their clients. Having young women identify construction as their passion and making it their career should be embraced and encouraged.

More and more construction companies are creating leadership programs and providing a positive atmosphere for their female team members. Also, women across the country have formed their own support organizations, offering additional networking and development opportunities. Organizations like the National Association of Women in Construction and Women in Construction Operations are dedicated to the success and advancement of women within the industry. So if you or a female family member is thinking about a career in construction, check out a local chapter.

“According to the Associated Builders and Contractors, construction is expected to grow by 3% in 2019 and another 3% in 2020.” In addition to expected overall industry growth, increased job openings are available for women and even better news, the average compensation for construction jobs is more equal compared to many other industries – for example,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that women in construction earn an average of 95.7% of what men make.”

Women are making strides in what was once a male dominated field, and the industry is benefiting.


(Source – Viewpoint: The continuing Rise of Women In Construction/2018-08-29/Engineering News-Record)

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