
Chris Taylor

Signs of Pet Allergies

Those furry ears and kitten purrs often make hearts melt. Most of us bond with our pets as if they were a part of our family. While some may embrace their pets into their homes, there are others who must avoid them because of pet allergies. These allergies can be...

Dog Humor

During break time at obedience school, two dogs were talking. One said to the other..."The thing I hate about obedience school is you learn ALL this stuff you will never use in the real world."  

Beat the Price Increase

Come in to Taylor Homes during April to lock in at 2011 prices. Due to rising costs in a wide variety of building materials and deliveries, we are forced to adjust our home prices in May. Sign a Taylor Homes agreement before April 30, 2012 and SAVE.

Spring clean up tips around the yard

Take a walk around your lawn and survey the effects the winter had on your property. If you have a dog, there is no quick cure for dog “damage” except lots of water to wash the salts from the urine into the soil. In most cases, the grass will recover. If the damage is...

Housing Predictor

https://www.housingpredictor.com- Housing Predictor provides independent housing market forecasts on home prices and mortgage rates for more than 230 cities in all 50 US states, plus real estate news and analysis.

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